The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 mandates the method and length of time certain financial institutions’ data are secured and stored. The act places precise requirements on the security, accuracy and reliability of record keeping. As a result, data security and storage becomes vitally important. All records of transactions must be secure. The Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability aspects of SOX require a broad range of corporate documents be retained for five (5) years. Failure to comply and produce certain documents during an audit is subject to severe penalties.
SOX, requires that subject data be continuously available 24/7 for a period of five (5) years. Conventional solutions like tape drives are prohibitively unreliable, expensive and require the use and maintenance of complex hardware systems. Tapes also lack effective data encryption methods to prevent unauthorized access. Physical storage of the tapes themselves and replacing tapes yearly as directed by manufacturer specifications make tape drive backup a thing of the past. Ever try a restore off of tape?
DCS Backup provides a cost effective alternative with secure, automated offsite backup services that helps with SOX compliance without elaborate storage procedures. A guided tour of one of our data centers is available upon request.
DCS Backup’s online data backup solutions offer safeguards to assure quality control: